During its time in Petri a culture may go through a number of transitions. We track these on a web page.
This section should describe the project. Whenever a community begins to call itself Apache Foo then it needs to provide a DISCLAIMER. Contact discuss@petri.apache.org for the text.
Provide the current website for the project community. When the community wishes Petri will guide in the creation of a website on Apache Infrastructure.
List the mailing lists used by the community. Petri will create Apache Mailing lists when requested.
Provide the url to the source code repository. Petri will request an Apache Git repository when the community is ready to migrate. This will require an SGA be filed (See below.)
If a different type of repository is required then please discuss with your Mentors.
Provide the address to your issue tracker. The ASF offers both JIRA and GitHub issue trackers. Bugzilla is also an option for older projects.
Provide the address to your project wiki, if any. The ASF offers both Confluence and GitHub wikis. Other Wikis would require other support which should be discussed with your mentors.
The URL where project releases can be found. The assumption is that releases will not be Apache releases until late in the process. Once an Apache Release has been made then the "not" can be struck.
The community needs to undertake some license transitions if their intent is to become an Apache PMC (TLP).
A list of your current mentors.
The status information for a community should also be updated in info.yaml.